
Creatings illustrations that connect to the users

'Twas the Summer of 2017, when Quandoo decided to have a rebrand. Together with Edenspiekermann, they came to the brand we have today, focusing on our Products' problems and needs.

However one year later (when I joined Quandoo) the Communication/Marketing Design team started to have more and more problems creating effective and great creatives with these watercolour illustrations (at least with the short deadlines we always had).

In order to reach clear visual principles for our illustration style, we wanted to develop an illustration style that came from our company values. To do so we created moodboards with examples of illustrations that somewhat communicated visually the principles we had and started drafting and putting together different approaches.

We are inspiring

We suggest, never pushy.

We are witty

We are playful, never sarcastic.

We are direct

We make it easy, never over complicated.


We are open-minded and inclusive

We take all cultures into consideration, never only one.

We are approachable

We design for our users, never for ourselves.


As a team we tested a lot. Same element in different styles, different colour combinations, different patterns, or shapes. But we always tried to simplify the style in order for each one of us to be always able to illustrate something that would look in line with everything else.

Bellow you can see some of my tests with the same element: a burger.

Getting to a consensus is never easy, but we were lucky to have a really motivated team helping on the progress (communication and product designers).
Although our illustrations are still a work in progress, we got to a place where we believe our illustrations to have its own universe and make Quandoo more Quandoo.

To keep consistency but still speak with our audiences in a tone that makes more sense to them, right now we are approaching B2B and B2C with the same style but different colour palettes.






Art Direction and Strategy

Catarina Rosa
Agata Holcer
Eren Dündar
Seif Sallam
Federica Lacania
Faris Baidoun


Catarina Rosa
Agata Holcer
Camila Mendes